GRCA’s Work Adds Up
I am thrilled to share our new Quarterly Impact Report for Q1 2024, highlighting the significant strides we’ve made together. Our achievements stand as a testament to our incredible team’s dedication and commitment to drive our shared mission to advance, connect, engage and champion our community’s economic ecosystem forward.
Furthermore, I thank our members and stakeholders for their unwavering support and engagement. It’s through our collective efforts that we are truly greater together. Let’s harness this momentum and continue to make an even greater impact in the months ahead.
Warm Regards,

Lucine Sihelnik
President and CEO
- Secured $500,000 Keystone Communities grant to support the revitalization of the former Trexler Mansion (Elks Club), complementing funding from the County of Berks ($300k) and City of Reading ($300k) through its American Rescue Plan allocations.
- Submitted $1,092,500 through the Pennsylvania Catalyst Fund (Small Business Credit Initiative) and $1,040,000 through the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority on behalf of Berks County companies.

- Sent 75 emails to membership and community stakeholders, achieving an average open rate of 30.93% and click rate of 3.19%.
- Highlighted 184 members monthly through GRCA marketing channels, including social media, Commerce Quarterly magazine and e-newsletters.
- In partnership with the County of Berks Department of Agriculture, the local food directory and map continues to grow featuring over 240 producers and farmers.
- Ongoing updates to a commercial and industrial property database with over 120 properties across Berks County.

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- Engaged with 1,331 community members across 19 events, including forums, webinars, and seminars.
- Delivered 25 tailored programs and workshops to 252 participants from 47 different organizations, addressing the critical needs of local businesses.
- Hosted and facilitated industry-specific meetings, including Manufacturing Industry Partnership, Healthcare Industry Partnership and Environmental Health & Safety Roundtable.

- Onboarded 34 new members and conducted 29 onboarding meetings
- Celebrated three ribbon cuttings and delivered 26 anniversary gifts.
- Launched a national talent attraction campaign for Meet Greater Reading, reaching 1,287,758 and generating 7,158 link clicks in Q1.
- Expanded GRCA’s Employer Network to include 15 Berks County employers (and growing), accessing 45 candidates in the pipeline, with leading industries in Sales & Marketing, Manufacturing, and Education.
- Fielded 25 inquiries for buildings and/or land, representing over 3,200 jobs potentially new and retained in Berks County.

Aaron Gantz, Sr. Director of Economic Development, spearheaded the compilation of this report. Special thanks are extended to the dedicated GRCA team members who contributed to the report including Landon Bernheiser, Mark Dolinski, Leah Fassnacht, Melissa Hassler, Kayla Hayick, Katie Johnsen, Steph Koch, Audrey Krupiak, Anna Lisa, Deb Millman, Keith Stamm, Sally Stewart, Jackie Stiles and Denise Vaquero.