Women2Women (W2W) is GRCA’s catalyst for developing women leaders and connecting women from diverse backgrounds to learn, share ideas and mentor each other. W2W offers a forum for women to create connections, gain knowledge and build strategic alliances to foster their personal potential and career advancement. Joining the network is open to all who support women.

W2W hosts at least one event per month—featuring local women sharing their stories of success, or educational workshop-style events with take-aways to apply to your life. Twice per year W2W hosts “Investing in Future Generations” networking events inviting high school and college students to meet with tenured professionals to grow their networks. De Mujer a Mujer events are an initiative of W2W presented in Spanish and offer the same style and content but take place after working hours. W2W also hosts two signature events, the all-day Conference & Expo in the spring and the Evening of Empowerment in the fall. Both feature local or nationally recognized speakers and provide a place for connection, inspiration and growth.
The generous Sponsors and Council ensure the W2W program is a catalyst for developing women leaders.
Our mission is to develop women leaders and connect women from diverse backgrounds to learn, share ideas and mentor each other.

Since joining the W2W community I’ve had the opportunity to meet such a diverse group of amazing women and men that share the same passion for community, leadership, networking and having fun! The importance of connecting in this way was never more obvious than when the pandemic hit. My W2W family and community check on each other, offered job assistance, resources and a shoulder to lean on during some dark times. When you join this community, expect to create bonds that will last a lifetime!
Tracy Parmer – Regulatory Affairs Consultant, Met-Ed/First Energy
Women2Women Awards
Each year Women2Women presents the ATHENA® Leadership Award to a woman/man who is honored for professional excellence, community service and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills. New this year is the EmpowHER Award that celebrates the next generation of women leaders in Berks County, recognizing a young woman who exemplifies the values of Women2Women: leadership, empowerment, community impact and the pursuit of excellence.
De Mujer A Mujer
De Mujer a Mujer/Women2Women is Greater Reading Chamber Alliance’s catalyst for developing women leaders and connecting women from diverse backgrounds to learn, share ideas, and mentor each other.
De Mujer a Mujer/Women2Women offers a forum for women to create connections, gain knowledge, and build strategic alliances to foster their personal potential and career advancement. Joining the network is open to all who support women.
De Mujer a Mujer hosts events presented in Spanish from local women.
En Español
De Mujer a Mujer / Women2Women es el catalizador de la Alianza de la Cámara de Lectura Mayor para desarrollar líderes mujeres y conectar a mujeres de diversos orígenes para aprender, compartir ideas y orientarse mutuamente.
De Mujer a Mujer / Women2Women ofrece un foro para que las mujeres creen conexiones, adquieran conocimientos y forjen alianzas estratégicas para fomentar su potencial personal y su carrera profesional. Unirse a la red está abierto a todos los que apoyan a las mujeres.
De Mujer a Mujer organiza eventos presentados en español por mujeres locales. También hay servicios de traducción disponibles para que los angloparlantes se unan a la conversación.
De Mujer a Mujer Awards
As a celebration of the diversity of amazing women in Berks and Greater Reading, Women2Women hosts the Annual De Mujer a Mujer Awards Ceremony in June. Three women will be awarded recognition in various categories.
Lean In Circle

Lean in Circles are intentionally curated and facilitator-led group comprised of 12-14 women leaning in to learn, grow and support each other in a communicative and trusting atmosphere. Curriculum is provided by the Lean In Foundation founded by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, and Rachel Thomas, technology entrepreneur. Updated yearly the curriculum is a growing library of lectures offering participants practical skills applicable to professional and personal lives.
Circles meet monthly, alternating between education meetings and exploration meetings. Video lectures are shown at education meetings followed by topic discussions. Exploration meetings allow members to discuss current-day situations they are challenged with within the context of work, life balance and more.