And the Top Employer is…
The most recent yearly survey of the top employers of Greater Reading showed East Penn Manufacturing retaining the top spot. Tower Health is close and closing in on the top spot. Tower Health simply cannot find people fast enough to keep up with the growing health care industry. In the last 30 days, there have been over 12,000 job postings in Berks County. These postings span over 3,000 employers, 500 occupations and every level of education.

Let’s Break it Down:
The employers with the most job postings are Tower Health/Reading Hospital and Penn State Health St. Joseph. 5 out of the top 10 employers by totals ads are in the healthcare field. The market for nurses: RN, LPN, CNA, is the hottest. CDL Licenses are the next highest in demand. As the logistics industry grows on I-78 from Hamburg to Bethel, this trend will continue. The Lehigh Valley has been called the Second Inland Empire . The boon of eCommerce has really impacted this corridor over the last few years and is growing exponentially.
As large brick-and-mortar retailers like Sears, Bonton and Kmart closed recently in the Greater Reading area, other retailers are looking to absorb those jobs. By the numbers, retail salespeople and supervisors of retailers are still in high demand. With the tightening job market, wages will continue to rise as we enter the ramp-up for the holiday season.
Where Are All the Jobs?
Right here in Greater Reading. Our Meet Greater Reading initiative highlights the awesome parts of the Greater Reading community. Working on attracting new people to call Greater Reading home is the main focus. One of the biggest hurdles when moving to a new area is finding a new job. In Greater Reading, there are jobs available in every field and at every level. Meet Greater Reading highlights some of the wonderful areas which are part of our community. Whether you want to live in an urban, suburban or rural area, there are no bad choices. We have the jobs you are looking for, all we are missing is you!
For more information about Meet Greater Reading and, contact Ellen Albright or visit